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ForeverGreen Trails is a 501c3 nonprofit serving the residents and local governments of Pierce County.

ForeverGreen Trails supports the development of a unified system of trails throughout
Pierce County, WA, via education, advocacy, promotion, and collaboration.

Our Mission

Regional Trails Network
Why FGT is Needed

All of Pierce County’s communities are connected, livable, and economically viable due to a system of trails, sidewalks, bike lanes, and local pathways that provide safe, convenient, nonmotorized travel and recreation for all ages, abilities, and income levels. Residents and visitors use, value, and care for this network because it contributes to health, well-being, quality of life, and the local economy.

Our Vision 

Our Strategic Plan extends our Mission and Vision by adding Core Values, Long Term Goals, Objectives, and Actions. This in turn feeds into our Work Plan and informs our policies and budget. Click to download.

Strategic Plan

FGT Strategic Plan

A one-page description explaining our programs, events, and projects with links for more detail.

Program Highlights


We invite you to learn more about who we are, what we do, and how we do it with a short presentation.


Want to dive deeper? Look at our Member Resources.


Inspired to serve on our board? Fill out this form!

Learn More

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