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ForeverGreen Trails helps our towns, cities, park districts, agencies, and the County itself, build out and maintain our regional trails network via:


ForeverGreen Trails can provide contracted

technical support for local jurisdictions'

planning efforts:

  • Create/improve grant application materials

  • Provide presentation support for grant applications

Jurisdictions that join ForeverGreen Trails as

members are eligible for additional financial

and professional services including:

  • Deep discount on the above technical support work

  • Access to private foundation grant funding for programs and projects

  • Access to a 501c3 fiduciary for charitable project contributions

  • Public-private fundraising through our Trail Accelerator Program


“Our small city has been looking to fund a critical trail gap closure for more than a decade. While our staff has local and technical knowledge, grant writing and presentation preparation do not come naturally to engineering-types. Thanks to their partnership, ForeverGreen Trails elevated our application materials to another level of engagement we could not have dreamed of.”

- Jeremy Metzler,

Public Works Director, City of Edgewood



Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
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